Thursday, November 12, 2009


When the great Julius comic entered his palace on the fateful day of his murder by his possess loved friend, he had ignored the warning of the cobbler, \"Beware the Ides of March \"

The sage Mihira predicted that King Vikramaditya's son would be killed by a pariah (pig) at the age of eighteen, so accurately that he was then after called Varahamihira.

We hit
numerous instances where predictions of seers, sages and astrologers hit come true. There are different methods of prediction.

Here are some.
1.Inspired predictions: Some persons advert (or, are possessed by) Divine Souls and substance predictions.

They employ certain '
mantras' which when chanted with reverence as prescribed in the scriptures, help them to advert the spirits. But they do not advert the predictions erst the alcohol yield them.

2.Intuitions: Every man is endowed with this power. It will simply strike in your mind that something is going to happen and it will!

3.Dreams: It is a common experience of all of us that we dream events of the instance and the future.

4.Omens: Belief in the omens is distributed in most countries.

5.Numerology: Numbers represent planets. Predictions are offered supported on the date of relationship etc There is also a framework called\" Astro Numerology\" which employs not only numbers but also the positions of planets.

Some fore-tellers also use playing cards, marbles etc.

6.Palmistry: The palm of a man is said to reveal his future. nobleman Christ has said in the Bible, \"And God prefabricated marks upon the hands of man that he may know\".

.Physiognomy: There is also a grouping of prediction, which is supported on the fleshly characteristics of a person.

8.Astrology: It is the most popular method of prediction, supported on the horoscope patch for the moment of relationship or enquiry. In this article we are concerned with astrology.

From instance immemorial, man has been observing the objects of the sky and correlating their movement to the events in his life. Great men, Philosophers and sages hit asserted their belief in astrology.

But there is a lobby in some quarters that
pseudoscience has no scientific basis. According to them, it is superstition to conceive that the planets hit some feature in human activities.

What is science? According to \"
Encyclopedia Americana\" , it is \"a systematized constructive knowledge\". Our sages and seers hit observed the movement of celestial bodies, and with their knowledge, wisdom and inspiration put forward some theories evidenced \"positive\" by experience.

It has become a fancy for some to scorn pseudoscience as superstition. These men allow scientists, rationalists and politicians. Those in power secretly consult astrologers for their personal and semipolitical fortunes but do not hit the courage to allow the subject in the curriculum.

In ancient times great astrologers adorned the royal courts and the kings consulted them on all matters. We hit instances where our sages had offered astounding predictions. Belief in pseudoscience is a part of our culture. Let us handle the reservations of scientists for not recognizing pseudoscience as an exact science.

A scientist is healthy to split liquid into digit gases namely gas and hydrogen. He crapper teach the framework to anybody, and the latter crapper obtain the digit gases from the given quantity of water.

Suppose an astrologer says by studying a horoscope that the
native would unite an educated girl, he should be healthy to tell us what compounding of planets prefabricated him come to that conclusion.

And anybody who knows that particular compounding should make the aforementioned inference in some chart. But, the astrologer miserably fails to transfer his knowledge and escapes by saying that 'intuition' also plays a vital role in predicting events. Unfortunately, pseudoscience lacks clear-cut theories, which help us make definite inferences.

Modern Science, aforementioned Chemistry or Physics, is supported on theories, which defence the test of probability. Imagine that you toss a coin. The Probability that you get a head is 50%.

It may depart from 40% to 60% by plain chance. But only an event with 70%
probability is considered a significant event by Scientists.

They accept that some factor is influencing the event. If 100 persons suffering from throat cancer are examined and at least 70 are found to be smokers, then we crapper conclude that smoking causes the disease.

\"Are the dictums of pseudoscience universally true?\" Let us verify the statement - \"Persons dropped with the Moon in Aries are short-

To know the actuality of this statement, we hit to study 100 persons having the luminary in Aries at the instance of birth. If at least 70 of them are short-tempered, then we crapper make confident predictions.

Another argument against pseudoscience is that man has a free will. He crapper plan, endeavor and attain his ends. Success depends on his will power, self-confidence hard work and knowledge.

There are digit schools of thought. According to Dr.B.V.Raman, the eminent astrologer, \"Planets make us, but they do not compel\". Knowledge of pseudoscience helps us know in advance some impending

We crapper resist, modify or even overcome the impulsions of the planets. But, there are others, aforementioned the selected astrologer New professor K.S.Krishnamoorthy, who feature that fate is inevitable.

Man has a free will but how freely he crapper training his will is already
destined. You know the rules of the agency and are an healthy driver.

But if the another man comes on the wrong artefact and dashes against you, it is fate! According to the Karma theory of Hinduism, man's life in this relationship is the termination of his instance deeds in the previous birth. Unless the scientific foundation of pseudoscience is established, we cannot know the truth.

Astrology has long been associated with religion. The religious colouration has kept the selected of the society away from the subject. While rationalists tar the image of astrology, quakes and clairvoyants utilise the public. There has been neither a earnest study nor research.

It is not an exaggeration if digit says that the veterans, who held the earth of Amerindic Astrology for the instance few decades, did not encourage newborn findings.

Krishnamurthy System supported on the plan and sub- theories is scientific and has been found very accurate in experience by some astrologers. But these theories hit found a place only recently in the astrological arena.

There is a lot of disputes among astrologers regarding Ayanamsa and house system. This is also a reason why the subject relic unattractive. “Which is the correct instance of birth?\", \"Which ayanamsa is correct?\", \"Is the cusp the first or the midpoint of a house?\" are some of the vexed questions hitherto unanswered.

For a beginner, the theories are too some to comprehend and apply. It is high instance that astrologers not only quote the old books but also do their possess research and publish their findings.

I took interest in pseudoscience sometime in the primeval seventies. For quite sometime I had been testing the dictums of Vedic and Western pseudoscience with actualised events in the lives of my relatives and friends. The post mortem revealed that the theories were not universally applicable.

I started my possess research with the affirmation of a person as the subject. My aim was to encounter discover whether some particular compounding existed in the horoscopes of persons engaged in some particular profession.

I collected the
relationship particulars of a sort of bank employees and teachers. I patch their horoscopes accurately and tested the different theories.


By God's grace a great brainstorm was prefabricated by me. I found that whenever the Moon signified the X house, the house of profession, it was invariably in characteristic by the follower indicating the profession, Jupiter in the case of bank employees and Mercury in the case of teachers. Sometimes the aspects were harmonious and another times adverse.

I proven to know how an adverse characteristic could bring the native to the affirmation he was engaged in. The fact was that the aspects were not actually good or bad and the termination depended on the aspecting follower and the aspected planet. So I termed the aspects (Western) as constructive or negative.

Later I prefabricated added brainstorm more interesting than the previous one. Planets gain polarity by judgement or occupying a house.

There are a sort of ‘panchangs’ in vogue owing to the assorted ayanamsas followed by assorted authors. This has resulted in lot of fault as the ‘nakshatras’, ‘thithis’ etc differ on some particular day. The horoscopes patch by assorted followers are different, for digit and the aforementioned person.

There are different systems of house-division. The cusp of a house is taken as the first by westerners whereas Vedic astrologers verify it as the midpoint.

Children dropped with a few minutes’ difference hit assorted characteristics. Sometimes digit survives and the another dies though they hit the aforementioned Rasi and Navamsa charts.

Which is the actualised instance of birth? Even the sages hit assorted opinions. One says that we hit to verify the cutting of the umbilical chord; added asks us to verify the first cry of the baby and still added advocates the method of pre-natal epoch. Again there are numerous ways of rectifying unknown relationship times.